Tuesday, 9 June 2020

Cable Faults - The Best Troubleshooting Tips - Miracle Electronics

How far can you go without electricity? Doesn’t seem like for more than a few minutes, does it? You can't live without your fans and air conditioners; and if your mobile battery is down, you can't stand the power cut-off for even a minute. It’s almost like you life is leaving you, now that you are so very dependent on your electronics, and have such less capacity to fight the heat. Imagine if you have to stay off electricity for hours together, or maybe an entire day!

This can easily happen in the case of a cable fault. If a cable fault is not identified, you won't be able to fix the problem, no matter how long it takes. It is thus important to understand a cable and its possible faults well. Locating the fault area can help fix the issue quicker, thus bringing your electricity, electrical appliances, and electronic appliances back to life. Understanding this, we have brought forward to you some of the best troubleshooting tips for cabling faults.

Visual inspection

Visual inspection can help identify any external damage. Any damaged cable should be replaced. If not, there could be problems in the connector, as this is where most of the issues originate from.

Damaged cable replacement

As soon as a faulty cable wire is detected, it is wise to throw it away. Install a new cord set in its place. One of the quickest ways is to route a new spare cable, or swap cables to make the machine get back to work faster.

In the case of multiple cables

If several cables are joined together, and the specific reason of the fault cannot be diagnosed, it is better to replace the entire cable system, so as to not waste time.

Connector issues

If the fault is one that is linked to the connector, it could be difficult to detect. This is when having an extra set of cables can be of great help.

Cable extenders

Cable extenders and repeaters are different technologies aimed at addressing longer USB cable runs. Improperly installed, inadequately powered, defective extenders can cause significant problems. A signal delay may mean problem in the cable extenders. You must thus use multiple active USB repeaters or a single active USB extender. At the same time, avoid cascading multiple active USB extenders.

Other issues

Other issues that may not be with the cable could mean issues with the wall plates or adapters. Wall plates may bring the possibility of poor or loose connections; so you need to check all the front and back of the wall plate to ensure that they are screwed in well. Adapters may also be an issue if the right ones are not selected. There are a variety of formats and sizes of adapters available. If the wrong one is used, it may result in jostling or snapping off of the adapters.

As we can see, cables are one of the most challenging elements of any system. Using cables for your application other than those supplied by the manufacturer can ass yet another level of complexity. This is why it is always suggested that you have your cables particularly customized for your precise application by an experienced and expert cable assembly manufacturer in India, one like Miracle Electronics. Using such specifically designed cables and assemblies from reputed manufacturers will have your cables last longer, and your applications function better for longer too.

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