Friday, 16 February 2018

Why Are Electrical Wires Mostly Round In Shape?

Electrical wires transfer electricity from one point to another; and to carry out this function effectively, these wires are made up of an insulator, a conductor, and a protective sheath. The insulator present protects the wire from electric shock; the conductor provides the medium for flow of electricity; and the sheath protects both the insulator and conductor from outer damage.

This property of having an insulator, conductor, and sheath is common for every kind of electric wire. One more property is common, which is the shape. Majorly, all wires are round in shape. Have you wondered why this is so? Why are wires generally made round in shape? Is it because it has the least surface area? Is it because it takes the least amount of insulation to cover it? Is it because it is easy to extrude it through a die? Yes, it is all of the three! But, these are not the only reasons. There is much more to it. So, let us learn about the various reasons why wires are round in shape; and also the benefits that this shape provides.

The round shape makes it easy and cheap
As Mathematics teaches us, a circle has the most surface area with minimum circumference. The circular shape also makes the cross-sectional area of a wire the easiest, cheapest, and most reliable. Moreover, circular wires are easy to handle, easy to bend, easy to manufacture, and easy to pack.

Limitations with square edges and shape
Sharp corners can wear away more quickly than round edges. Also, any shape other than circular, limits the twist by ensuring that the wire is used in fixed orientation or by varying outer dimensions by design.

Bundling round wires is easy and cheap
Square section wires can be bundled to achieve the greatest possible area to circumference ratio, having no gaps between wires; making the bundling expensive as it requires precision equipment to do the job. Conversely, circular section wires can be easily bundled to achieve larger net cross-section without worrying about wire twisting concerns. This kind of bundling can be done in a number of fairly space efficient ways to offer qualities like flexibility.

Round wires are easier to fit with less electric loss
Round wires fit easily into round holes, unlike other shapes that are difficult to insert, and are also costlier to make. Also, circular shaped conductors help for minimum loss of electricity. This is because other shapes will cause charges to accumulate on the irregular body of the wire, causing extra losses to the conductors.

However, many wires are available in other shapes too like square and flat. It isn't necessary that you opt for round shaped wires. Depending upon your preference and requirements, you can opt for any kind of wire. However, we only state why round wires are much more beneficial. Ultimately, the choice is up to you. And, whatever your choice, you can always approach MiracleElectronics, one of the leading cableharness manufacturers in India, to get the finest quality cables and cable harnesses customized to suit your requirements.

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