When you’re looking to transfer electrical power effectively while also providing galvanic isolation, an SMPS transformer proves to be the best choice that provides a clear barrier against dangerous high voltages from passing to the output. This is thus a safe and space-saving option, unlike other traditional linear kinds of transformers.
But when planning on having SMPS transformers manufactured for your application, you also need to be capable of making the right core choice. This choice is generally based on your power requirements, the frequency required, and the switching topology. Let’s help you know some basic considerations to make the right material, shape, and size selection.
Core material
It’s basically ferrite that is used for making the core of
an SMPS transformer; the reason being that its frequency spectrum ranges
between 20 kHz to 2 MHz, thanks to its reduce expense and minimal losses. But,
ferrites should be employed in the saturating approach for low power and low
frequency functioning. In the case of high power functionality, a tape-wrapped
core used as the saturating core, with a ferrite core used as the output
transformer, proves to be a better choice.
Core type
There are a variety of different core types you can choose
from, some of the most popular ones stated below. Each core type has its own
size and shape advantages. Let’s check them out.
EFD cores – EFD cores are economical flat design
cores that offer excellent space utilization for transformers or inductors.
They’re thus ideal for compact transformer and inductor applications.
EP cores – EP cores are circular center-post cubical
designs that surround the coil thoroughly, with the exception of PCB terminals.
This eliminates the influence of air flow crevices established at mating walls
in the magnetic track, giving a more significant volume ratio to the absolute
area used.
ETD and EER cores – ETD and EER cores are those with
a round center-post and broad winding areas which offer the advantage of a
short winding path length, and thus minimum winding resistance. They are
absolutely good for high power designs and multiple output designs.
PQ cores – PQ cores have a maximum ratio of bulk to
winding region and surface area. This results in comparatively fewer turns with
a maximum winding area, lesser space consumed, and maximum inductance.
A perfect transformer is one that promises minimal core
decline, while demanding the very least volume of room. The core loss is
affected by the flux denseness and frequency. Having all of this considered is
of utmost importance when selecting both the transformer and the core. This is
why, when making your core choice, it is always advisable to work with an
expert SPMS transformer manufacturer in India, one like MiracleElectronics. That’s because the expert engineers available here can help choose
the most suitable material and dimensions for your particular project, so that
your expenses are minimized, and profits maximized. Moreover, Miracle
Electronics’ SMPS transformers are all RoHS and REACH compliant, thus assuring
quality performance and minimal power wastage.