Friday 14 June 2019

How Do Stabilizers And Transformers Deliver Safe Power - Miracle Electronics

Every electric and electronic appliance relies ontransformers for their power supply, because transformers are the equipment that can increase or decrease the voltage to the required amount so that appropriate power supply is directed. If inappropriate power supply is directed, the equipment may either not work (if the power supply is insufficient), or it may cause disastrous results and breakdown of the appliance (if the power supply is higher than required). Stabilizers and transformers are thus ideal devices required for transferring appropriate amount of power supply to ensure safe and effective power-based operations.

What are stabilizers?
  • Stabilizers are devices that provide substantial constant voltage output to the equipment in case of a changing input voltage, increasing or decreasing the voltage levels to ensure that proper range of voltage is supplied at the end. There are a number of stabilizers available like single phase, three phase, and static. Such stabilizers can be used in a variety of applications in residential, commercial, and industrial segments.
  • Stabilizers efficiently regulate voltage fluctuations that may be caused due to overload, short circuits, bad wiring, or bad earthing.
  • Stabilizers protect equipment from all kinds of power-related damages, thus assuring 100% safety to industrial machinery and household appliances. Stabilizers thus increase the lifespan of the equipment too.
  • Stabilizers allow limited power usage, as is required for the devices they are used with.
  • The voltage stabilizers allow limited usage of the power as required for the devices.
  • Stabilizers incorporate various technological considerations to improve the quality, efficiency, and reliability. They are built with standard raw materials for winding, insulation, and shielding.
  • Stabilizers can be customized as per the requirements, varying in installation modes, voltage needs, sizes, and capacities.
  • Last but not the least, stabilizers don’t need much maintenance for proper functioning.

What are transformers?
Transformers are devices that increase or decrease voltage levels for final effective use. Serving the same function as a stabilizer, transformers are used where the incoming voltage is a constant type, which needs to be either lowered or raised. There are a lot many types of transformers like power transformers in India, toroidal transformers, isolation transformers, audio transformers, SMPS, EI, and many others. Miracle Electronics is a place where you can get all such transformers under a single roof to be used in all kinds of small, medium, and large scale industries, as well as residential and commercial applications.
  • Transformers can easily and effectively increase or decrease the power voltage to the desired amount.
  • Transformers are manufactured with world-class materials for winding, insulation, and shielding; thus offering good mechanical strength, which can help to withstand all kinds of harsh climatic and environmental conditions; thus making them completely durable.
  • Transformers avoid any kind of power damage to the lines or machineries they are used with, while maintaining the desired voltage. They regulate power issues right from the power generation center to the end product.
  • They are safe to use as they isolate certain equipment from the main power source to ensure better safety during overload or short-circuiting issues.
  • Now that you know perfectly what stabilizers and transformers are, you can choose the best to successfully meet your desired voltage requirements.

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