Thursday 18 May 2017

How Can Cable Harness Assemblies Prove To Be Beneficial?

Cable harness assemblies are growing in popularity at a rapid rate, and have become one of the most reliable components in millions of applications all around the world. Certainly, bundles of wires can be bound together with tapes and ties, but utilizing a professionally set-up cable harness instead is a more preferable option, and here’s why.


Loose unorganized wires can cause a number of issues, whether it is within an industrial space full of machines, or at home. Cable harnesses are thus practical and efficient solutions to untidy wires, and are well-tested elements that can be used in a wide range of applications – residential or commercial.

Ease of installation

Installing loose wires can take up lots of time and effort. But, in case of cable harnesses, wires are generally coded with colors, as per their function. This color-code scheme makes it easier to do the installation while saving on a lot of time and effort.

Ease of repair

An organized cable system makes it easier to inspect the machinery in case of any problems. The tidy setup also makes it easier to cleanup and repair. It becomes very easy for the technicians to remove the damaged harness without having to disturb other harnesses or wires, which cannot be possible in case of loose wires.

Space saving

Loose cables require lots of space, while this space can be saved up to a great extent if cable harnesses are used instead. And obviously when there is enough space, the internal components can be moved about freely without abrasion. Therefore, cable harnesses save on a lot of space, thus making the management of working area easy and efficient.

Time saving

Since the installation of cable harnesses is quick and requires no knowledge and experience, it is obvious that a lot of time is saved. Therefore, instead of spending lots of time to teach new employees the task of understanding the function of each wire, and the connections related to every individual wire, the cable harness can be quickly connected, saving on a lot of time. This means that what can take up to hours trying to work out where each wire plugs into, cable harness installation can be done within minutes!


Cable harnesses protect the wires under a sheath with different wiring arrangements, thus reducing risks and threats. Also, the wires are protected against heat, vibration, abrasion, compression, and other such conditions that can be experienced within a working application. Moreover, the protective outer sheath also provides for usage of the wires for a longer period of time.


Cable harnesses are economical for applications as they come pre-assembled. In case of customization, even more parts can be pre-assembled. This makes it easy and quick to install the harness, thus bringing down labour costs.

No matter what types of applications you work with, choosing the best cable harness is a challenging task, but not when you work with experienced professionals like those at Miracle Electronics, one of the finest cable harness manufacturers in India.

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